Saturday, November 6, 2010

Apple Polishing

One of the few concepts Chapter 10 touched a bit on was Apple Polishing. The book didn't really talk a lot about apple polishing so I had to do some extra research. Apple polishing is when a person uses flattery or excessive compliments in order for the person to favor their opinion. One of the reasons why it is called apple polishing is that students would give their teachers apples so that the teachers would give them good grades. Apple polishing can be seen at work places especially when an employee is trying to get a raise or promotion. For example an employee might excessively compliment his or her boss of their clothing.  Another good example is if your friend has one extra ticket to a concert and you would act very nice to them just because you want the ticket. I've seen this also with tickets to sporting events and dances. People will only be nice at that time so they would get a ticket.

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