Thursday, December 9, 2010

What was your favorite thing about this class? What was your least favorite thing about this class? How can this class be improved?

One of my favorite things about this class was the amount of time we had to do class assignments. The time was very flexible especially for blogs. I liked how we had to do the blogs in twelve hour intervals because it always kept me on track to do my homework. I also like how we were given a lot of time to do the group papers. We were given plenty of time to do the three group assignments. I also like how we did group reports instead of individual reports because it was much easier to complete the assignments. My least favorite thing about this class was not having an actual class to go to since some of the concepts were very confusing. Also it was hard for our group to get together. One of the ways this class can be improved is if the class meets at least once in the middle of the semester so that students that need help can ask questions.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the flexibility of time to post and respond to blogs; the allowance seemed appropriate and provided more than enough time to read and compose my thoughts. In addition, I found the class feedback and examples provided by other bloggers extremely helpful in providing additional clarity to already hard to understand concepts. I really liked your idea about meeting at least once during the semester. I think its important to put faces to blog names and get face-to-face direction. The time allowance for group projects can be difficult I agree, but I liked the idea of being able to interact with the same group throughout the semester.
