Saturday, September 18, 2010

Practice Mentoring

One of the readings that interested me was the one about Practice Mentoring. A mentor is someone that you can look up to. Mentors are usually older and have more experience than the person that they are mentoring. The protege is the person the mentor is mentoring. The protege gains experience, recognition, and friendship from their mentor. In order of mentors to learn and be successful they must cooperate and be willing to learn. According to the group communication book, there are four stages that a mentoring relationship progresses. The first stage is Initiation in which the mentor and protege get to know each other well first. The next step is cultivation  in which the mentor and protege make a stronger relationship with each other. The third step is separation, in  which the protege moves on and becomes more developed in the organization. The relationship between the two starts fade away because they no longer need each other. The last step is redefinition, in which the two are now equal with each other and hold the same position in the company.

1 comment:

  1. Heyy! I really liked your blog post about mentoring and having a mentor because I can use myself as an example for this. My mentor was my wrestling coach from high school. The four stages of mentoring is pretty true. I met my coach freshman year and slowly got to know him over the years of my high school career. He taught me a lot and made me the person I am now. The third step is also true because when I started college I didn't really get a chance to talk to him anymore. It wasn't until last year that I got close to him again when I became one of the assistant coaches of the wrestling team for my high school.
